2007年4月22日 星期日

Adobe 無障礙資源中心

網頁:Accessibility Resource Center
屬性: 公司網站

作者: Adobe

Creating Accessible PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat 7.0

Creating accessible electronic documents requires more than specialized authoring tools; authors must begin with accessibility in mind. Read this guide to learn more. Creating Accessible PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat (PDF, 10.3M)

Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design

This white paper, written by Bob Regan, describes the framework to approach accessible design using Adobe® Flash® software. This document will help designers and developers to understand and implement accessibility best practices in their web applications. Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design (Flash or PDF, 771k)

Whatever Happened to Accessibility?

While the news value of Section 508 seems to have faded, the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act are increasingly having an impact on web developers and software publishers. Adobe's Greg Pisocky provides details in this Adobe Developer Center article.


Flash 8 Accessibility (有精彩資料與教材)

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2007年4月19日 星期四

Accessibility Features of the IS&T Web Site MIT

網頁:Accessibility Features of the IS&T Web Site MIT
屬性: 網站
作者: MIT IS&T: Accessibility Features of the IS&T&T Web Site


The IS&T Web Site can be used with or without a mouse. There are shortcut keys that will take you to specific sections of a page, for example the main content of a page or the search box. Other shortcut keys will take you to commonly used pages like the IS&T home page or the site map.

Detailed below is a list of access keys used in this site and a list of instructions for using access keys organized by platform and browser. You will also find a list of accessible design features employed by the site.


About IS&T


Information Services and Technology (IS&T) enables MIT''s core mission - to advance knowledge and educate students in science, technology, and other areas of scholarship that will best serve the nation and the world in the 21st century -- by working in partnership with the Institute''s faculty, students, and staff to maximize the value of information technology to their work. As the central IT department at MIT, IS&T has a wide range of responsibilities, from providing the campus network to ensuring critical day-to-day business operations to strategic planning for IT.


Access Keys

Using Access Keys

Browser Non-Support

Accessibility Features

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2007年4月15日 星期日

IBM helps blind 'see' web video(新聞)

Last Updated:
Friday, 30 March 2007, 13:42 GMT 14:42 UK

IBM helps blind 'see' web video
By Geoff Adams-Spink
Age & disability correspondent, BBC News website


Dr Chieko Asakawa,日本IBM研究機構的一位視障員工,與同事研發的無障礙瀏覽器 आ-Browser預計年底將問世,造福全世界估計有一億六千萬的視障朋友。



IBM scientists develop streaming video for visually impaired
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Web Access Centre blog(英國、視障)

網頁:Web Access Centre Blog
Donna SmillieHenny SwanAnn McMeekin、Bim Egan、Paulette Freeman

What we do

  • We help companies and organisations make their websites accessible, in particular to blind and partially sighted people.
  • We award the See it Right Accessible Website logo to websites which meet the required standard of accessibility.
  • We provide free advice on all aspects of accessible web design.
  • We publish the Web Access Centre – a complete online resource on accessible web design, from planning and testing to design and build.
  • We carry out See it Right audits and provide consultancy and training.
  • We publish the See it Right accessible website directory, which lists all the websites which currently display the See it Right accessible website logo.
  • We carry out the accessibility testing of all local authority websites for the annual Socitm Insight “Better Connected” reports.
  • We run technical and non-technical workshops and seminars on many aspects of accessible web design.

Contact us

Tel: +44 (0)20 7391 2178
Email: webaccess@rnib.org.uk
Post: RNIB Web Access Consultancy, 105 Judd Street, London WC1H 9NE


RSS Feeds

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2007年4月11日 星期三

無障礙數位學習平台 ATutor

網頁:無障礙數位學習平台 ATutor
作者:Adaptive Technology Resource Centre


What is ATutor?

ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind। Administrators can install or update ATutor in minutes, develop custom templates to give ATutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Educators can quickly assemble, package, and redistribute Web-based instructional content, easily retrieve and import prepackaged content, and conduct their courses online. Students learn in an adaptive learning environment.

Why ATutor?

ATutor is the first inclusive LCMS, complying with the W3C WCAG 1.0 accessibility specifications at the AA+ level, allowing access to all potential learners, instructors, and administrators, including those with disabilities who may be accessing the system using assistive technologies. Conformance with W3C XHTML 1.0 specifications ensures that ATutor is presented consistently in any standards compliant technology.

ATutor has also adopted the IMS/SCORM Content Packaging specifications, allowing content developers to create reusable content that can be swapped between different e-learning systems. Content created in other IMS or SCORM comformant systems can be imported into ATutor, and visa versa. ATutor also includes a SCORM 1.2 Runtime Environment (LMS RTE3) for playing and managing SCORM based Sharable Content Objects (SCOs).

ATutor's base in Open Source technology makes it a cost effective tool for both small and large organizations presenting their instructional materials on the Web, or delivering fully independent online courses. Comprehensive help is available through the documentation, through a number of support services, or through the public forums. Full language support is available through the ATutor Translation Site.




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2007年4月10日 星期二

CSS, Standards and Accessibilty

網頁: Andrew Fernandez
屬性: 專家、資料庫
作者: Andrew Fernandez
Andrew Fernandez, known to his friends and peers as dez, started collecting these links in 2003 as a resource for co-workers and himself. Since then this page has been widely linked to and visited by designers, developers and others wanting to learn about web standards. Dez took a break in 2005 due to a demanding contract job, managing a company for an ongoing client. 2006 sees dez once again back online and looking to update this page – a lot has happened in a year. BTW if you are a Melbourne based small business or an individual looking for a marketing savvy communications professional please visit andrewfernandez.com

Well hello there! How you doin? Probably not too good if you've made it to this page. No worries mate! Here you'll find a whole bunch of links to some of the vast resources out there. I've even used a pukey highlighter colour to...um highlight what I think are the essentials. Enjoy! Oh And feel free to email me with any suggested links and do let me know about dead links etc.



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Accessibility at Microsoft, home

網頁: Accessibility at Microsoft
屬性: 資訊廠商
作者: 微軟
Well hello there! How you doin? Probably not too good if you've made it to this page. No worries mate! Here you'll find a whole bunch of links to some of the vast resources out there. I've even used a pukey highlighter colour to...um highlight what I think are the essentials. Enjoy! Oh And feel free to email me with any suggested links and do let me know about dead links etc।I have been away for a while and I do appreciate your help in helping me keep this a useful resource for all of us.

  1. Accessibility
    Joe Clark's Web Accesibility
    Checklist of Checkpoints for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0
    Comprehensive Accesibility Course
    Accessify: Comprehensive Resource
    Dive Into Accessibility, Free 30 day course.
    The Guild of Accessible Web Designers
    Web Design References:Accessibility
    WebAIM - Web Accessibility in Mind
    Juicy Studio: Accessibility Tutorials
    What is an accessible website diagram
    What is an accessible website?
    WebDevTips: Accessibility


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2007年4月8日 星期日

Karlen Communications Accessible eLearning Resources

網頁:Karlen Communications Accessible eLearning Resources
This page is a compilation of resources for anyone involved at any level to create more accessible open learning, online learning, distance education, distance learning, or eLearning opportunities. Incorporating foundations of accessible and usable principles for digital environments or digitally based information helps all students and faculty learn more effectively. We can then truly choose our own learning styles and content will eventually become device and CIT [Computer Information Technology] independent.

You may also want to look at our web page of conference handouts. Some of the presentations done by Karen McCall are on universal instructional design and digital document access.

Although this isn't a complete list of resources, hopefully it provides you with a good starting point. If you have a good resource related to accessible distributed education, please send it to us!

There is a new report from the United Nations called "Right to Education Project " that is worth considering. It expands the horizon of accessibility.

There is a web site if you are interested in how someone with Retinitis Pigmentosa is viewing the world and your eLearning content. This is an inaccessible Flash movie on a web page that does not include basic W3C guidelines for accessibility so it is a really good learning tool for what not to do!


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