2007年9月21日 星期五

10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground

網頁: 10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conferencefor Education, for Businesses, for Web and Media Designers
屬性: Conference

 10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground


"Accessing Higher Ground"
Assistive Technology and Accessible Media In Higher Education Conferences

2006 — Assistive Technology Conference
Handouts & Audio

2005 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2004 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2003 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2002 Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2001 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2000 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

1999 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

加入書籤: 飛鷹人
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網頁: Dolphin
屬性: 輔具公司
作者: Dolphin

Dolphin has been creating software solutions for people with visual and print impairments since 1986.
Dolphin has been creating software solutions for people with visual and print impairments since 1986.

Since we began, Dolphin products have enabled hundreds of thousands of customers to enjoy the same level of independence as their peers. Dolphin now exports to more than thirty countries, with offices in the UK, US and Sweden. Dolphin employs over sixty people worldwide to create and deliver the widest variety of software products for people with print and visual impairments.

Dolphin is a privately owned company and over one third of our annual gross revenue is re-invested in the design and development of our products.

補充: 專門在研發輔助視障者閱讀電腦螢幕訊息軟體。

加入書籤: 飛鷹人
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