2009年2月15日 星期日


說明: 這幾天忽然注意到YOUTUBE中已經有一些關於無障礙的影片,很是興奮,抓幾則到這裡紀念一下。每個影片的提供者都是關注此議題的單位或個人,感謝這些有心人士。。

Web Accessibility - through the "eyes" of a screen reader

Web accessibility and the W3C guidelines

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility - A World Denied

Accessing the web using screen reading software

IBM Technology Assists Visually Impaired Internet Users

One Thumb to Rule Them All

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David MacDonald

網頁: http://www.youtube.com/user/ErampAccess

屬性:YouTube 影片

作者: E-Ramp Inc.
E-Ramp Inc. is a technical accommodation company that specializes in helping disabled people live and work in a technical environment. We evaluate web sites for compliance with WCAG 2.0, consult on policy issues, accommodate people with disabilities in the workplace.


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