Adobe 無障礙資源中心
網頁:Accessibility Resource Center
屬性: 公司網站
作者: Adobe
Creating Accessible PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat 7.0
Creating accessible electronic documents requires more than specialized authoring tools; authors must begin with accessibility in mind. Read this guide to learn more. Creating Accessible PDF Documents with Adobe Acrobat (PDF, 10.3M)
Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design
This white paper, written by Bob Regan, describes the framework to approach accessible design using Adobe® Flash® software. This document will help designers and developers to understand and implement accessibility best practices in their web applications. Best Practices for Accessible Flash Design (Flash or PDF, 771k)
Whatever Happened to Accessibility?
While the news value of Section 508 seems to have faded, the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act are increasingly having an impact on web developers and software publishers. Adobe's Greg Pisocky provides details in this Adobe Developer Center article.