Karlen Communications Accessible eLearning Resources
網頁:Karlen Communications Accessible eLearning Resources
This page is a compilation of resources for anyone involved at any level to create more accessible open learning, online learning, distance education, distance learning, or eLearning opportunities. Incorporating foundations of accessible and usable principles for digital environments or digitally based information helps all students and faculty learn more effectively. We can then truly choose our own learning styles and content will eventually become device and CIT [Computer Information Technology] independent.
You may also want to look at our web page of conference handouts. Some of the presentations done by Karen McCall are on universal instructional design and digital document access.
Although this isn't a complete list of resources, hopefully it provides you with a good starting point. If you have a good resource related to accessible distributed education, please send it to us!
There is a new report from the United Nations called "Right to Education Project " that is worth considering. It expands the horizon of accessibility.
There is a web site if you are interested in how someone with Retinitis Pigmentosa is viewing the world and your eLearning content. This is an inaccessible Flash movie on a web page that does not include basic W3C guidelines for accessibility so it is a really good learning tool for what not to do!