2009年5月23日 星期六




[Sounding Keyboard and Mouse 鍵盤、滑鼠音效發聲器(盲人打字、自動發音工具)]

  • ...這軟體的功能主要是讓鍵盤與滑鼠的每個操作與動作都可以發出音效,不管是按下鍵盤上的任何一個按鍵,往上或往下滾動滑鼠滾輪、按滑鼠左鍵或右鍵,通通都會出現各種不同的特殊音效。...
  • ...可以下載TTS相關檔案後再勾選「Read Word」跟「Read Sentence」等功能,讓我們邊打字、讓電腦邊念出英文。 當然,如果你想透過內建的發音引擎或自訂各種按鍵音效來把這軟體改造成「盲人打字機」一樣也可以,每打一個字就自動念出來,也是相當實用!...

  • ...他的主要功能就是可以幫我們將輸入進去的中文文字轉成真人發音的語音檔,我們可以直接貼上一段中文或英文的文字,按下〔PLAY〕按鈕後,馬上可以下載一個WAV的音樂檔,按下播放後會自動朗誦剛剛貼上的文字內容。...
  • ...目前提供cTTS、iTTS跟mTTS三種引擎,都各有不同特色,另外還有男生、女生與小蘿莉的發音可選擇。(其實我也不知道這是不是很久以前的東西,很好玩就是了) ...


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2009年2月15日 星期日


說明: 這幾天忽然注意到YOUTUBE中已經有一些關於無障礙的影片,很是興奮,抓幾則到這裡紀念一下。每個影片的提供者都是關注此議題的單位或個人,感謝這些有心人士。。

Web Accessibility - through the "eyes" of a screen reader

Web accessibility and the W3C guidelines

Web Accessibility

Web Accessibility - A World Denied

Accessing the web using screen reading software

IBM Technology Assists Visually Impaired Internet Users

One Thumb to Rule Them All

加入書籤: 飛鷹人
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David MacDonald

網頁: http://www.youtube.com/user/ErampAccess

屬性:YouTube 影片

作者: E-Ramp Inc.
E-Ramp Inc. is a technical accommodation company that specializes in helping disabled people live and work in a technical environment. We evaluate web sites for compliance with WCAG 2.0, consult on policy issues, accommodate people with disabilities in the workplace.


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2008年10月7日 星期二

James Bailey

網頁: http://athighered.blogspot.com/

Adaptive Tech Coordinator for the University of Oregon

James Bailey


About James

James Bailey
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I am the Adaptive Tech Coordinator for the University of Oregon and I have been in this position since 1995. I have done AT presentations at CSUN, Accessing Higher Ground and EDUCAUSE. I am the designer and presenter of the two-and-a half-day work shop “Managing AT A to Z” for AHEAD (Association on Higher Education and Disability).


加入書籤: 飛鷹人
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2007年9月21日 星期五

10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground

網頁: 10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground: Accessible Media, Web and Technology Conferencefor Education, for Businesses, for Web and Media Designers
屬性: Conference

 10th Annual Accessing Higher Ground


"Accessing Higher Ground"
Assistive Technology and Accessible Media In Higher Education Conferences

2006 — Assistive Technology Conference
Handouts & Audio

2005 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2004 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2003 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2002 Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2001 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

2000 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

1999 — Assistive Technology Conference Handouts & Audio

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網頁: Dolphin
屬性: 輔具公司
作者: Dolphin

Dolphin has been creating software solutions for people with visual and print impairments since 1986.
Dolphin has been creating software solutions for people with visual and print impairments since 1986.

Since we began, Dolphin products have enabled hundreds of thousands of customers to enjoy the same level of independence as their peers. Dolphin now exports to more than thirty countries, with offices in the UK, US and Sweden. Dolphin employs over sixty people worldwide to create and deliver the widest variety of software products for people with print and visual impairments.

Dolphin is a privately owned company and over one third of our annual gross revenue is re-invested in the design and development of our products.

補充: 專門在研發輔助視障者閱讀電腦螢幕訊息軟體。

加入書籤: 飛鷹人
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2007年7月11日 星期三

Ron Graham

網頁: http://grahamsview.blogspot.com/
屬性: 個人
作者: Ron Graham , Houston, Texas

Access+Ability = Accessibility. Positive attitude and positive change are what Access Ability is all about. For background, I am a former supervisor with the Texas prison system, medically retired following a 13-year career. In 1993, I was blinded in an auto accident at age 31. Since that life-changing event, I have gone back to college and earned an AAS (Criminal Justice), BS (Behavior Science), and MA (Clinical Psychology). During grad school, I worked for 3 years in the university’s DSS office as a graduate assistant to the coordinator. I also worked most recently as Coordinator of DSS at a Texas community college. I also have gained experience as a public speaker on a variety of topics. The central theme in all these subjects has been attitude. Mine is a positive one, and I am a person who will work for change in that direction. I am a man who happens to be blind, not a blind man. That is my personal distinction in attitude. However, I believe it is one which could serve a broad population when applied in the world of Disability Support Services.


加入書籤: 飛鷹人